Foundation Membership Corporate Sponsors
Become a member of the Army Aviation Museum Foundation, Inc.  Contributor's names are displayed temporarily on an attractive plaque in the Recognition Center until enough names are collected to have a permanent plaque made.  All contributions to the Army Aviation Museum Foundation, Inc. are tax deductible as we are a non-profit (c3) organization.

Membership categories include the following:

In Memoriam

Charter in Memoriam


$25,000 and up
$10,000 to $24,999
$5,000 to $9,999
$1,000 to $4,999
$500 to $999
$100 to $499
$under $100
Contributions more than $100 in any one person's name.

Contributions totaling more than $1,000 in any one person's name.

Contributions totaling more than $100 in one organization's name

Until our secure server is in place, please make payments by mail to:

Army Aviation Museum Foundation, Inc.
ATTN: Contributions
P.O. Box 620610
Fort Rucker, AL 36362-0610

Please provide the following information:

Name, Company Name, Address, City/State/Zip Code and Donation Amount.  Payment can be made by cash, check or credit card (American Express, Visa, Mastercard or Discover).  Credit card payments must include the card number, and the expiration date.

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