Hope page of the 135th Aslt Hel Co ( EMU )
Informative; but would appreciate more details,and specifications;
Great museum! Proud to be an Army Aviator!
AirCav!/Airborne!! <><
I went to the museum about 7 months ago and it was pretty nice. In a couple more years it will up to standard with the other big museums such as the Navy museum in Pensacola.
The place looks great, I would like to visit it again. How about some more Army Aviation photo's.
CHS '79 graduate. Remember, Ozark is Krazo backwards!
Very interesting site. I was at Ft. Rucker from 3/69 to 6/69, then on to RVN. I served with HHC and Co. B, 227th AHB from 7/69 to 3/71 (yep-I extended).
Class 67-21 Great page, lots of memories
Very informative. Hope to visit the Museum soon.
Does anyone have any Army Aviator, Senior Army Aviator and Master Army Aviator clip art.
member of class 65-21/mar 1966
WWWeb Site is for Vietnam era 228th ASHB, The 1st Cav's
Chinook Battalion (and Guns-A-Go-Go).
I was with the 18th AVN Co. when it went to VN
Visited museum last year, funny how those aircraft looked so big back in 1967-70. Looking for former ATC personel who took the boat to Viet Nam in 1968. Trying to organize reunion of some sort. I was in the 362nd Aviation Support Det. stationed in Tay Ninh. Email [email protected] or [email protected] Any military people from Rucker that could help us look up old records to get SSNumbers to help our search would be appreciated. The ASD's were part of the 1st. Aviation Brigade.
Nice addition to the museum.
member of class fwoc 67-5 last bird dog class. served with
a co 25th inf div 1967-68 and 201st corp avn co 1st avn bde
in vietnam
It has been a while since I was at Ft Rucker, 69-70.
One of the three must see Museums on the itinerary for a trip I'm planning with an ex-Army friend in Oregon. This is the only way to plan a trip! Thanks for the information.
Gary Cramm
The greatest man that I ever knew...flew for the Army. Was a very interesting tour. Thank you.
Just checking out the site. Good work.
Air Assault,
D. Lester
Honor Grad
Looking for Robert Pritchett or Manny Fernandez. We served in A co 1/58 avn out of Ft Campbell. Remember all the sandand all my griping? When you e-mail me. dont forget to call me "MR" as in civilian.
Guardian Six "C" "Shield of the Mekong" Oct 70- Oct RVN
Very nice museum and page
Building and holding the worlds largest database on Preserved Global Military Aircraft.
Your site is one of the best we have visited.Keep up the good work !!. Also would like updates on movements when posssible like
we need information on camping facilities. See you next month.
I'am looking for photo's of CH 37 helicopters. I'am haveing a hard time find them. Thanks a lot W.W. MAHAN
cobra weapons specialist (AH-1G thru AH-1F)
Thanks for the site back to Mother Rucker
It sure has come a long ways since I first saw it 27 years ago!
I remember when the museum was outdoors in a fenced in area, that was 1966.
CLASS 68-35; 235 AWC (CAN THO)'69 -'70;OH-13,UH-1H,
AH-1G-S-F, UH-60A-L; OH-58A-C
Enjoyed my virtual tour!!Next best thing to actually being there!
3rd/17th Air Cavalry "D" Troop 11/66 to 11/68 RSVN. Great Site look forward to checking back for up dates.
Thrilled to find this site! Can't wait for the flightlines to go "on line"....will be looking for the 162nd AHC!!
Great work!
I visited the museum in 1972 while on active duty attending the OH-58 repair couse. What a change! I think it's fantastic and someday hope to return and visit again in person. Thanks to all involved!
Would love to visit the museum in person!
Served with the 1st Avn. Bde. in Vietnam, Aug. 1966 to
Oct. 1967.
Great easy to use informative site. We are working on HMD's for you, and many of us have not had previous experience with Military or Government work.
Visiting helps a lot.
Thanks, John Griffith
It is nice to see the us-army aviation museum online.
I became an army aviator in your fantastic museum(Oct. 1993).
Army Aviator, CW2. Graduated May 1977 from Rucker.Stationed Ft. Hood. 162nd Aviation Company 1977-78. Company disbanded in 1978, transferred to B company 227th, First Cav. Discharged Jan. 1980. Huey pilot.
An Enterprise native, I've always been a big fan of your museum. I look forward to seeing your new set-up. It's still new to me since I last visited your old site.
Sincerely, from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Guam.
This is a very nice place, I stumbled in here and will be back often.
The only negative thing I could say is "A few more pictures might be nice"
I'm stationed at Ft. Rucker and the museum looks just as good on the web as it does in real life.
I retired from Ft. Rucker in 1989 and helped get the
museum build. Looks like it has grown and is a super
place to visit.
Could you please send me a gift shop catalog?
Paul D. Spangler
477 Springlake Rd.
Bristol, Va 24277
Excellent site! Enjoyed your displays very much. Hopefully I will be able to visit the entire museum in the future.
It is nice to virtually visit Fort Rucker again since I left there in late (Nov ?) 1974 after graduating from the flight training and headed back to Vietnam. I've missed the place so much during the past 23 years.
Anyway, I have two questions:
1. I am just wondering how I can obtain the UH-1 flight manual, or if you can, please give me the manual serial numbers or tell me where I can order it.
2. I've lost my silver wing when I left VN. Are you still selling those?
Dy Le
I was an Army Brat at Fort Rucker from 1963-1966 when my father Ray Vining was assigned there as a gunnery instructor. It was nice seeing this museum so well presented.
i like the museum. I should come visit you In the near feuture. I have one question how do I find specifications an the A10 warthog
Very nice and a lot improvement since 1970
a very nice visit for a French army aviation officer pilot !
I hope to visit the real museum; you can contact me for information about French army aviation museum located at DAX
I love helicopters and I want to fly the Comanche when i grow up.
Love the website
Want to be a helicopter Pilot
member of class 65-21--mar 1966
It was good seeing Ft. Rucker again. I was stationed there during the summer of 1996. Great web site
It is nice to be able to visit a part of my past. ORWAC 78-20.
I lived @ Ft Rucker from 1992-1997, I really enjoyed going there because they always had something new and interesting, I'm moving back soon.
Looks good on the net, but would rather visit and touch in person.
Looks good on the net, but would rather visit and touch in person. Thanks
Great site. Like the center piece. I was the AC of that aircraft when the picture was made. Earl Hobbs was the CE. Can't remeber the pilot.
I was stationed at Ft. Rucker in the spring of 1961. It brings back a lot of memories.
glad to see these things restored and kept as they should be so that we may remember the days of our service to our country and our friends we left behind.
It was great going "home" to Mother Rucker!
The Wiregrass is proud of the Army and especially Ft. Rucker and the museum.
was hoping to find a list of Helecopters.
I was stationed at Rucker 70&71. Worked with the CH-54's
Do you have a 54 on display?
We're putting together an interesting site about the Darkhorse Army Aviation Museum in Long Beach, CA. (they provided the Army Museum with stencils & patterns for Miss Clawd IV) the URL will be http://www.cytrade.com/darkhorse/ and it will be update in February. See you at Mother Rucker.
Enjoying the tour so far, but was unable to get the 3D version to work.
B. Novak
Looking for Robert Pritchett or Manny Fernandez. We served in A co 1/58 avn out of Ft Campbell. Remember all the sandand all my griping? When you e-mail me. dont forget to call me "MR" as in civilian.
RVN service 7/69 to 2/70. 500+ hours as pax in numerous
Army birds. Would like to help Museum achieve world class standing. Did some design work on Wright"B" Exhibit. Fly civilized L-16b now. What needs to be done to get to world class?
a beautiful facility. wish it had been there in 1958-60 when i was stationed at Rucker
Signing in memory of my father-Captain John S. Seeley. He was killed on 6-27-66 near Dau Tieng, RVN. If you knew or served with "Big John" during his 1952-1966 U.S. Army career
please e-mail me at: [email protected] was as good a father as soldier:rose from private-to-captain. I was 5 when Dad was killed, but my love for him will never die!
former flight operations specialist-girlfriend is showing me how to ues the net.trying to show her aviaton stuff-cause that's what i did.
A very nice website. Brings back 30 yrs of the good,bad,and the ugly. Keep up the great work. bk
Glad to see site. Can find old friends. Thanks.
Looking up the names in the register bought back some memories. Found a couple of friends from way back when.I was with the llth Avn Bn and the 3/17, Delta Troop in Vietnam, then with the 101st At Camp Evans. (Just call me lucky) 69-70-72 resp. Would love to be notified if the 3/17 Cav has a reunion.
Enjoyed the tour. Great presentation. Vietnam Vet.
looks good. Was with 201 Red Barons 68-69 Viet Nam. Hunter Air Field after the tour. I will stop in next time through the area.
Did the Do27 actually see service in 'Nam? I stored a Do27Q6 for our local narcs a while back. There was ONE certified, I understand for the CIA, (s.n.2082, I recall). It supposedly crashed with loss of life of spooks during trials for Air America. CIA sued Dornier, and Dornier yanked the certification and flight manual, making a number of these birds experimental orphans. Can anybody verify this story? Thanks.
OV-1 maintenance/Tech 1960-77 era..
ASTA Plts 2nd IF & 1st Inf
226 Avn Bn 11th Aslt Div(test)
After Jan 8 1998, can be reached at home: 520-398-2295
Seeking ole mohawk troops of that era join ov-1 assoc.
Keep the memories alive! After 3000+ hours in the Huey, I still love her. IERW class 89-17. Born there ('66), went through flight school there ('89), coming back to teach there ('98). Is there some sort of gravitational field unique to the place? Keep telling the story!
Looking fot a "dash ten" for the AH-56 Cheyenne. Thanks
I've had the great opportunity to visit your museum live! I think you've done a great job in presenting the ARMY and it's aviation history in a superb way. Great to find you on internet as well. As a former student and IP, I keep a close look at how Ft Rucker is developing. Please continue the good work!
Thank you.
Absolutely outstanding! This is a great site to view the museum, especially enjoyed the 3D VR pictures. Keep up the great work and much success.
We really enjoy going to the museum.
This is a great site! Having been to the museum in person, it is nice to be able to show it to people (family, friends) that have not had the opportunity to see it.
Great site but where are the rest of the pages from your catalog. The Army Aviation Museum has come a long way.
Great sight but the museum is much better in person
Changed a lot since I was there in 1969/1970
Dear Sir/Mam,
I am 14 years old and are home schooled. I have a really big interest in helicopters. I was wondering if you might have any information you could send me or information on where I could go such as, e-mail, phone numbers or addresses. Thank you very much for your time.
Ryan Kaestner
40023 SE 106th PL
North Bend WA
1(425) 888-5635
I love Helicopters. When I get older I want to join the Army to be A helicopter piolot.
Im a Royal Air Force Helicopter Handling Instructor and worked with yr army aviation on Op Haven/Provide Comfort rigging loads out of Silopi & Sersenk. Any sites out there on the Chinook?
A truely great looking web-site. Keep up the great work. Bill
Jim Schuh, 1 Cav, A15TC, 66-67, Chinooks Rule!!!
Had problems downloading the virtual tour. Got all done and it said that a Fatal Error had occurred.
Jim Schuh, New Port Richey, Florida,
[email protected]
Looks good on the net, but would rather visit and touch in person.
It's with fondness that I look back at my training at Ft. Rucker in 69. I served w/ the 187th AHC at Tay Ninh. The UH-1 is the most bionic helo ever created. I know because my life is a testimate to it. Best wishes.
I enjoyed revisiting the Aviation Museum. I was at Rucker from 93 to 95, and visited the museum often. It was and still is very impressive.
as a ret. army aviation type it was good to see some of my
old aircraft on view at fort rucker, ie rp2v from 1 rr. co.(AVN)
Former Warrant Officer pilot in St. Joseph, Mo.
Keep up the good work.
WORWAC 71-15
Enjoying the tour so far, but was unable to get the 3D version to work.
B. Novak
Worked for the museum as a volunteer a couple of years ago. Great to see that y'all are keeping up with the times, as always.
Former AO with the 4-229th AAHR Flying Tigers. Visited the museum several times in 1997 while going through Navigator/ Naval Flight Officer Training at NAS Pensacola. The museum looks great, much improved from when I went to AO school in 1987.
Amazing work on this web site.
Ostovich is working For USAA. Now you can affect his life in a manner to which he has earned.What goes around, comes around
Looks good. I must make a trip to see the place. More needs to be done to make ARMY AVIATION known.
went to rucker for AIT as a huey crewman/mechanic class 89-25. in the old museum you could almost get into the aircraft,very upclose and enjoyable. the ones outside i hope have been put into a covered area. they deserve more than to set outside and fall apart
Former army Aviator (Vietnam)
Stationed at Fort Rucker in 1970 at Co D. 83rd Engr Bat
really enjoyed your tour on the computer.
I attended mechanical classes on the "Bird Dog" the L-19 back in 1958.